Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap. 雨水从他的棒球帽帽檐上滴落。
The effect was like a primitive version of a hologram: it looked at first glance like a real "talking head" inside the small box, but with red hair, wearing a baseball cap, and speaking in Chinese. 展示效果就像早期的全息影像:第一眼看上去,仿佛小盒子里真有一个长着红发、戴着棒球帽、会说中文的人脑袋。
If you're wondering why I'm wearing dark sunglasses, a fake moustache, and a baseball cap ( featuring the logo of professional curling team, The Floating Stones), I'm on the lam. 如果您想知道我为何佩戴黑色太阳镜、假胡须和棒球帽(模仿一个专业冰壶球队TheFloatingStones的徽标),那是因为我正在逃亡之中。
Wearing a grey T-shirt, shorts and a baseball cap, John Dilbeck appeared visibly upset and starred into space as he smoked a cigarette on the balcony of the Santa Monica apartment he previously shared with Nancy Motes. 穿着灰色T恤,短裤和棒球帽的约翰神情极度沮丧,他在阳台抽烟并一直盯着他和南茜莫特斯共度过的公寓。
Meanwhile David was dressed casually as usual in a black T-shirt, khaki baseball cap, jeans and red trainers with neon yellow laces. 而贝克汉姆的装束则像往常一样简单随意:黑色T恤衫、卡其色棒球帽、牛仔裤和配有亮黄鞋带的红色运动鞋。
Well, Tex said, taking the old green baseball cap off his head, you could borrow my lucky hat. 好吧,特克斯从他头上摘下那顶绿色的旧棒球帽,说,你可以借我的幸运帽。
David sported a white T-shirt with black trousers and a matching baseball cap, while his sons were clad in jumpers and jeans. 大卫当天穿着一件白T恤,配着黑裤子,头上搭配着棒球帽,而他的儿子们则是穿着套衫,牛仔裤很是帅气。
The 31-year-old was then photographed at the Dallas airport wearing jeans, a pale blue shirt, white trainers and a baseball cap as he left the American Airlines Admiral Club. 在达拉斯机场,这位31岁的王子又被拍到身着牛仔裤和淡蓝色衬衣,穿着白色球鞋,戴着棒球帽离开美国航空公司俱乐部。
Casual and sporty is your style, and no one looks better than you do in a T-shirt, cutoff shorts and baseball cap, whether you are a female or male Archer. 随性、直爽是你的风格。因此,没有人比你更适合配以T恤、短裤及棒球帽这样的运动装扮了,无论你是男性还是女性射手座。
This is gonna look great on a baseball cap. 这个印在棒球帽上肯定好看。
Then I get your baseball cap. 就给我你的棒球帽。
It's her baseball cap. 这是她的垒球帽。
He is enough of a student of history to have learnt something from former Tory leader William Hague and the baseball cap that came back to haunt him. 作为一个历史系学生,前保守党领袖威廉黑格(williamhague)和其挥之不去的梦魇般的棒球帽足以让他学到点什么。
Wearing a jeans jacket and a baseball cap, he could have passed for a BU frat boy. 穿一件牛仔甲克,戴个棒球帽,他也可以被认为是个商界的弟兄。
I have a baseball cap with the Olympic logo. 我有一顶带有奥运会标志的棒球帽。
A display case at the entrance holds a Yankees jersey, a pennant and a baseball cap, all signed by Wang. 在入口处有著一个展示区,放著洋基的衣服,三角旗,棒球帽,全都让王建民签名。
Last night police were hunting a young man who was caught on a video camera in the hall of the apartment block wearing a black baseball cap. 昨晚,俄罗斯警方四处搜寻一名戴黑色棒球帽的年轻男子,公寓大楼走廊上一部录像机录下了这一幕。
She brought me a dodger baseball cap. 她给过我一顶棒球帽。
Lenny watched from the side, fully dressed, stretched out on a plastic lounge chair, peering out from underneath a baseball cap. 莱尼穿戴齐全,四肢舒展地躺在一旁的躺椅上,眯着眼睛从棒球帽下向外注视着我们。
1 he donned his favorite baseball cap for good luck. 他为了好运戴上他最喜欢的棒球帽。
The man, whose nationality was unknown, was wearing a pink T-shirt and dark shorts, a beige baseball cap and sunglasses. 这名男子穿着粉色体恤和黑色短裤,戴着米色棒球帽以及太阳镜。
He is wearing a baseball cap. 他戴一个棒球帽。
The first lady, hard to recognize in a baseball cap and sunglasses, shopped at a Target store in Alexandria, Va., just outside Washington. 她戴着一顶棒球帽和太阳眼镜,但是还是被认出来了。
Baseball cap, clean T-shirts, hand planted on the Kudou, standing quietly look is so warm. 棒球帽,干净的T恤衫,手插在裤兜里,安静站立的样子是那么的温暖。
I picked up our dessert and carried back in my baseball cap. 我摘了一大堆,装在棒球帽里,带回去作为我们的饭后甜食。
I watched the water drip off the rim of Tom's baseball cap. 我注视着雨水沿着汤姆棒球帽的边缘滴落。
I think I scared him, because he jerked in his seat so hard that his baseball cap fell off. 我想我害怕他,因为他在他的座位挺举如此艰苦,他的棒球帽脱落。
A baseball cap with the Olympic logo. 带有奥运会标志的棒球帽。